Monday, March 23, 2009

the downturn kitchen

We all seem to be tightening our belts a bit, even friends who still have their jobs are battening down the hatches to some degree. I've been thinking about cooking at home and how a few new items in the pantry can have a major impact and keep us sane.

Here's a starter list: I'm assuming you have olive oil, pasta, anchovies, capers, arborio rice, canned tomatoes, etc. If not let me know I'll make a basic-basics list.

Chestnut honey: A nice addition to an after dinner cheese plate. A little goes a long way. More complex than your standard clover honey.
Pomegrante molasses: I'll post a salad recipe soon.
Nice green olives in brine
Raw nuts: my favorites are pine nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds. Store in the freezer, roast as needed and add to cheese plates, pasta, oatmeal, salads.
Fresh Herb packets: I buy the cheap ones at Trader Joes and stash them in the freezer. Basil doesn't work for this but sage, thyme, oregano & rosemary freeze great!
Imagine Brand Chicken Stock. I like it better than Pacific. If you see it on sale buy it. If you make your own at home even better.
Dried Mushrooms: when you reconstitute them save the water and reduce it with butter, garlic, herbs.
Spanish Smoked Paprika: changes almost anything, adds a layer of smokey complexity
Golden Balsamic Vineagar: in dressings and a touch in cooking for a bit of acid. Doesn't overwhelm like traditional balsamic can.
Powdered Coconut Milk: just add water, add to your curry.. yummy.
Dry Vermouth: I use a touch when cooking seafood, mushrooms .. anywhere you want a mellow bit of acid + added complexity. It's cheap and holds up for a long time (better than white wine)

more coming soon.. xo tova

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tova -- this is great! I love your pantry list. Yes, let's link, you don't mind I mention futurememory I hope. Funny you say future memory, one of my thoughts when doing my blog is how great it will be for my kids to have a written record of all of the foods and flowers they grew up with..good to hear from you!
